How to remove red eyes from a photo? Where does this effect come from?

A faithful representation of the photographed person requires setting the right camera parameters, but there are times when, despite diligence, not everything looks right. One of the problems that amateur photographers often face is the red-eye effect. How to deal with it and why does it appear at all?

How do red eyes develop?

The red-eye effect is a phenomenon that is usually observed when taking photographs at night or in low-light conditions, when it is necessary to use a flash, and the photographed person has widely dilated pupils and directs his gaze directly into the lens. Red eyes are caused by the light emitted by the flash reaching the bottom of the eye, where, due to the accumulation of a large amount of rhodopsin in the retina, the pupil turns red.

How to prevent the red-eye effect in a photo?

There are several ways to effectively reduce the risk of obscuring the natural color of the eyes with red. The best preventive method is to buy the right camera. Many manufacturers offer red-eye reduction systems that emit a strong light that has the effect of constricting the pupils before directly taking a photograph. The flash itself lasts only two seconds, and this is enough time for the aperture in front of the lens to close.

What are other methods to counteract the red-eye phenomenon? You can properly control the flash on the camera so that it is not pointed directly at the photographed person, or use additional lighting. One of the simplest ways, on the other hand, is to ask the poser not to look directly at the lens.

How to remove red eyes from a photo?

If you have not been able to prevent the red-eye effect directly when taking the photo, it is necessary to perform a computer correction. How to remove red eyes in Photoshop? Just select the target job, then set the values of Pupil Radius and Dimming Degree in the Tool Options bar. Then click on the red spot or draw the area to be removed within the eye. When you release the mouse, Photoshop will automatically remove the unwanted effect.

Free graphic editing programs such as Gimp also have similar functions. Here, after loading the photo, zoom in so that the area that needs to be corrected is clearly visible. Then select the selection tool and surround the tinted iris. After that, just click the Filters tab at the top of the screen, select Enhance and Remove Red Eye Effect.

How to remove red eyes on your phone?

Are there apps for removing red eyes? You can easily download them on both Android and iOS. Most of them are free, but it’s a good idea to read user reviews before installing them, as not every one has the built-in feature you need. So, to remove red-eye on your phone, you can use the various apps and photo editing tools available. Here are some popular smartphone apps:

  • Google Photos (available on Android and iOS),
  • Adobe Lightroom Mobile (available on Android and iOS),
  • Snapseed (available on Android and iOS).

These are just examples of programs that will help you easily remove red eyes in photos. There are many other tools with similar features available in mobile app stores.

For Apple mobile devices, you don’t need to install additional apps to remove red eyes. Just click on the photo, select the Edit button on the toolbar, and then Correction. Next to the “red eyes” label is an arrow that starts automatic processing – this action will eliminate the problem.

When taking photos, it is worth paying attention to all the details so that the final result is fully satisfactory. However, if the red-eye phenomenon has arisen, it can be corrected with easy-to-use editing programs.

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