How to take nice pictures with your phone? Practical tips for everyone

Modern smartphones are equipped with high-quality lenses that allow you to take striking photos and, at a later stage, process them using functional applications. Most of the photos shared on social media are the result of working with mobile devices, so it is worth knowing simple tricks to make you stand out from other users of Instagram, Facebook or other social media, thus generating traffic to your profile.

How to take pictures? Composition

Because of their functionality, smartphones are regarded as simpler replacements for other devices – cameras, music players and even computers. The multitasking inherent in their system means that the priority of tasks performed very often becomes speed rather than quality. This can be seen in photos, which are not expected to have the same attention to detail as those created with a DSLR or mirrorless camera. This is a mistake. So how do you take good photos with your phone?

The key is composition, which, properly created, gives depth to every element. It not only makes the photo look beautiful, but also creates room for different interpretations. Composition can be divided into static and dynamic.

The first of these, static composition, is characterized by vertical or horizontal lines, usually intersecting at right angles. Such photographs have an orderly rhythm, with each element occupying a clearly defined space.

Static composition.

Dynamic composition, on the other hand, captures movement, full of slants, disruption of patterns, and individual objects can overlap. This gives a unique effect, because the viewer can almost see the photographed characters or objects moving as if they were actually alive.

Dynamic composition.

Another thing to think about if you want to take nice pictures with your phone is the way of framing. And, for example, in a closed composition, all elements are photographed in their entirety, not escaping outside the frame of the photo.

Closed composition.

The opposite is true for open plan, so individual parts of objects can go out of frame.

Open composition.

In the context of the composition, it is also worth considering the appropriate color palette – cool or warm. The way they are combined depends on individual preferences, but also on the symbolism inscribed in them. With colors that match the nature of the photograph, its subject matter, you can create a wide field of interpretation, and thus – stimulate observers to discuss in the comments.

How to take nice photos on Instagram?

To take nice photos on social media, including on Instagram, it is worthwhile to take an interest in the theory of photography. For example, the principle of tripartition is to divide the sides of a photo into 3 parts, through which straight lines pass to the opposite side, resulting in 9 squares. At the intersections are the so-called strong points, where the most important objects of the photo should be placed, since it is on them that the viewer first focuses. The principle of strong points stands in opposition to the central composition, where the key elements are located in the center of the photograph. The tri-partition makes the photo dynamic, interesting and striking.

In the photo, you can see guide lines, which make it easier to determine the strong points of the photo

How to take professional photos with your phone?

Most smartphone models have two modes built into the Camera app – basic and professional. The first is controlled automatically, and the user’s work is limited to tapping the touch-sensitive shutter button or selecting the front lens. In professional mode, you can control all the parameters of the photographed scene – shutter speed, ISO sensitivity, etc.

How to take nice pictures with your phone?

What other feature will help you take nice pictures with your phone? It is HDR mode, which has applications in photography and graphics. High dynamic range imaging involves taking several exposures of the same frame, using non-uniform lighting. It makes it possible to take a photo with high dynamic range.

High dynamic range requires taking several photographs with shadows, intermediate elements and lights, differing in exposure values. All the photos are then combined into a single file subjected to illumination mapping at a later stage, so that the overall contrast is compressed while maintaining changes in brightness between different areas of the image.

How to take nice pictures with a phone? As you can see, this is not a difficult task, but it is important to remember to be accurate. It is also worth bearing in mind that good photos are not always literal, very often they make the recipients think more deeply. Taking nice pictures with a phone can be not only a pleasant but also a rewarding artistic experience, so it is worth practicing to achieve better and better results.

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